These are considered the main books of the series and establish the fictional world in which the others are set. They all deal with the adventures of Arthur and Will Denison to one degree or another. It was a cross-over success, appealing to both children and adult readers, which led James Gurney to write and illustrate three more books called Dinotopia: The World Beneath, Dinotopia: First Flight and Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara. She had half a key which Arthur was looking for and asked to join him, it was revealed her second name means born in a cave and went to find out why. Oriana Nascava – A musician who lives in Waterfall City who accompanied Arthur during his return trip to the World Beneath. However when Arthur arrived in Chandara he exposed Crabb and he was punished.

In the fourth book Journey to Chandara, he stole an invitation that was given to Arthur by the Chandaran emperor Hugo Khan and passed himself off as Arthur. In the second book The World Beneath, his first villainous scheme to was escape Dinotopia in a sunstone powered strutter and return with an army to plunder the island, however he was foiled by Arthur. He is known for smoking and wearing sea shells on his hat, he hated the dinosaurs as he believes that they have enslaved the humans of Dinotopia and called them Scalies. He was washed up on Dinotopia in 1853, however Crabb despised the island and ever since had being plotting a means of escape.

The carnivores are actually very respectful of this and always wait for the dinosaur to pass peacefully, never attacking them while alive. Often, a dinosaur that senses it will die soon will make a pilgrimage to the basin and die there so that it may be eaten by the carnivores and continue to contribute to the good of the island as a whole. There are caravans that make passages through the basin and are made up by very large sauropod dinosaurs outfitted with heavy suits of armor studded with sharp spikes and carry offerings of meat to appease any carnivores they meet. The Basin is cut off from the rest of the island by a series of retractable bridges. They have their own language yet it is very deep and guttural and difficult even for other dinosaurs to speak or understand fluently.

They are just as sentient as the other dinosaurs on the island but must be kept apart due to their instinctual need to hunt. This place is where most of the island's large carnivores live, such as, and.