Is Randy being just a tad masochistic with his need to bring out graph paper in order to play an adventure game? Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People may be to blame.Tyler joins The Contiuum, which tore apart time and space at Gen Con 2008.Xbox America goes Inside the Nexus for a fourth, 20-minute episode covering ESRB ratings, upcoming releases, last week's XBLA downloads, and more.There's " A Fine Line Between Remake and Reboot," and Defunct Games isn't afraid to call anyone out on it either.KORE Voices, Trailer, In-Game Video (WMV).NBA Live 09 Signature Playcalling (QT 720p).Civilization IV: Colonization Trailer (QT).Aion: Tower of Eternity Ascension (WMV).Sacred 2: Fallen Angel GC 2008 Trailer (WMV).Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer #2 (QT).The Witcher Enhanced Edition Teaser (QT).Need for Speed Undercover Teaser #2 (WMV).Rail Simulator Upgrade MK 2, Upgrade MK2 Missing Track Fix.This video is just a tad meta - pandering to this particular GameStop offer - but otherwise it still shows off a little bit more Far Cry 2 succulence. For all my jabs at GameStop being an "Evil Empire," I put down five dollars the moment they told me about this offer last week.
And if this makes Ubisoft stockholders happy, by seeing opening day numbers bumped up that much more, then more power to Ubisoft for having a strong track record that gamers subscribe to. That's exactly how much I was supposed to get paid in the first place."īut to look at it on the other hand, with as much business as GameStop churns up for Ubisoft (and countless other game devs), why wouldn't Ubisoft reward GameStop and GameStop customers by supersizing their order? Makes perfect sense for their obviously healthy relationship. "Here's your Christmas bonus, Randy." "Gee, thanks. But by pre-ordering with the Evil Empire, you'll be granted gameplay that should've been included in every edition of FarCry 2. Not so concerned about that second and third bullet.

A foldout map of Far Cry 2's open world.6 bonus missions with about 3 extra hours of gameplay.By pre-ordering a regular edition of Far Cry 2, you'll automatically be upgraded to the GameStop Exclusive Pre-Order Edition, which includes: And by "sweet" I mean that it kinda sucks if you don't order from there. Ubisoft signed a pretty sweet exclusive deal with GameStop (slash-EB Games, slash-Software Etc.).