The Committee Members pictured below are as follows: In addition, the Syncreon Automotive Bargaining Committee has just begun this week prepping for bargaining down here at the Local 195 Hall. We reman optimistic that this is achievable in the near future and without a labour disruption at that workplace. Bargaining has been ongoing for several weeks now for this Committee and at times has not been easy however the Ventra Membership voted 99.5% on Sunday January 30th in favour of Strike Action if necessary to reach a fair & equitable agreement for their Members.

Also, pictured is Tammy Pomerleau Local 195 Vice President & Mike Lovric National Staff Rep. Pictured below is the Ventra Plastics Bargaining Committee consisting of Chairperson Deb Martin, Vicechairperson Chris Klimkowski, Committpersons Joanne Jenkins & Justin Standel. Just a quick shout out to Ventra Plastics & Syncreon Automotive Units who are both in the process of Prepping for & Bargaining a new Collective Agreement for their respective Memberships.